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Easy, Quick & Convenient

Collection, Disposal and Recycling of Cooking Oil

Save Oil offers collection and recycling services of used

cooking oil throughout the United Kingdom and beyond.

International Sustainability & Carbon Certification - SAVEOIL Ltd.png
Environmental Agency logo - Save Oil Ltd.png

About Us

Cooking Oil Disposal in the United Kingdom

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Save Oil Ltd provides a free-of-charge oil collection service for a range of business sectors nationwide, including fast food chains, restaurants, cafes and pubs and more.


We take our responsibility to protect the environment very seriously. Our vehicles are new models that enable us to have a lower carbon footprint than other companies in the sector.

We are ethical, licensed waste carriers; thus, we provide a duty of care waste notes on each collection. After collecting your oil, the waste oil is taken to our state-of-the-art depot, where the recycling process takes place.

Recycling Oil

What's the process:

We understand how running a business works. That is why we have made our cooking oil service simple and user-friendly.


All you are required to do is to book a collection.


Our dedicated customer support team shall

confirm a collection time.


Once that has been agreed, we will collect your oil

at the arranged time.


Generate paperwork for you.

How it works

Book Collection with us

Arrange time slot

Oil Collection

Arrange Paperwork

Download our app

How do we use your oil?

Car Fuel

Save Oil collects existing raw waste oil and sends it to our partners, who then turn it into electricity.

If you are a manufacturer of waste cooking oil or you own a gasoline or diesel car, using our cooking oil collection and recycling services means reducing your impact on the environment by ethically disposing of waste oil and choosing a greener fuel alternative through Save Oil Ltd.

Save Oil is the last stage of the recycling loop for vegetable oil waste. Through our cooking oil recycling service, Save Oil converts over 99% of the used vegetable oil. We ensure that every element is recycled.

Save Oil is your ally towards reaching your green credetials.

We collect waste oil for free if you save more than 100 litresReady to set up your ethical waste oil recycling process or interested to learn more? Get in touch today! We will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have and arrange a bespoke quote.

Olive Oil Bottles

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